George Michael's "Freedom 90" Music Video Gets The Barbie Stop-Motion Animation Treatment

I remember a simpler time. A time when MTV actually showed music videos in the 80’s and 90’s. And one of those videos that was in heavy rotation was George Michael’s "Freedom 90" featuring the OG group of supermodels directed by David Fincher at the beginning of his film career. Yes. Really.

Animator Warren Wright has re-created the video using stop-motion and vintage Barbie dolls and the end result is pretty fantastic. From his YouTube channel:

George Michael + 90’s Super Models + vintage barbies + quarantine + unemployment = Freedom 2020. This song holds over 30 years of memories for me.

I love this song for many reasons. I love this video. I love stop-motion animation. So I call the end result of this tribute video quarantine time well-spent. Keep going for the original George Michael version.