Halloween Is Coming, And So Is a Sexy Jon Snow Costume


Brace yourselves, and get ready to add "King of the North" to the list of unnecessarily sexy Halloween costumes. Specialty apparel retailer, Yandy has released a Jon Snow-inspired costume. Technically, it's called “Sexy Northern Queen”, but the pleather bodysuit and heavy cloak with the "faux fur trim" looks pretty Night Watch to me. 

Image | Yandy

Image | Yandy

Image | Yandy

Image | Yandy

Image | Yandy

Image | Yandy

Yandy is also selling "Maiden of the Throne" and "Goddess of War" costumes this year that look a lot like some of the dresses Dany wore during warmer weather seasons of Game of Thrones.

The costume is currently available for pre-order, and retails for $149.95.  

H/T | The Daily Dot