Friday Five: A Roundup Of Some Our Our Favorite Movie 'Cameows'


For some of us (raises hand) every day is International Cat Day. But August 8th is International Cat Day, so I decided this week’s Friday Five should take a look at some of my favorite movie cats. Throughout cinematic history, one species has reigned supreme alongside their human co-stars — cats!

Cats in movies go all the way back to the 1901 silent short film, The Sick Kitten. They can be cute, cuddly, creepy, heroic, animated, or comedic — but movies are almost always more interesting when they’re in it. I realized pretty quickly that narrowing down a list of favorite movie cats to just 5 wouldn’t even begin scratch the surface — so I decided to eliminate animated cats and big cats (sorry!). So here’s five of my favorite movie kitties.

I know there are a LOT of other great cats and kittens in movies, so let me know what your favorites are in the comments below!

DC — That Darn Cat (1965)

Image: Walt Disney Company

Image: Walt Disney Company

I’m dating myself with this pick and I’m okay with that. Disney movies were on heavy rotation in my house growing up. I could do a Friday Five (or Friday 25) on cats in Disney movies alone. But I’m going to kick off this week’s list with DC (short for ‘Darn Cat’) from the 1965 Disney classic, That Darn Cat. The movie follows follows a mischievous Siamese as he roams his neighborhood, clashes with the neighbor’s dog, and helps foil a kidnapping. Good kitty!

Goose - Captain Marvel (2019)

Image: Marvel

Image: Marvel

Technically, Carol Danvers’ orange tabby isn’t a cat at all, but a flerken. If you don’t know what I’m talking about I don’t want to spoil it any more than I already have so see the movie. But I’ve always had a soft spot for orange tabby’s (which will be pretty obvious as you get through this list). So between that, along with helping to save the world, surviving zero-G, and taking Nick Fury’s eye Goose gets a spot on my list

Vito’s Cat - The Godfather (1972)

Image: Paramount

Image: Paramount

According to film lore, a stray tabby cat on the Paramount lot lucked into cinema history when director Francis Ford Coppola spotted him on the lot. “The cat in Marlon’s hands was not planned for,” Coppola explained in The Godfather Book. “I saw the cat running around the studio, and took it and put it in his hands without a word.” We all know the rest, the image of tough guy Marlon Brando holding his feline friend is one of the most iconic stills in film.

Jonesy — Alien (1979)

Image: Everett Collection

Image: Everett Collection

Sigourney Weaver’s, Ripley isn’t the only resourceful survivor of the Alien franchise. Jones not only manages to survive the Xenomorph, but also epitomizes cat loyalty and companionship during some of life’s hardest moments (like battling a giant space alien). Jonesy is clearly star of this movie. That is all.

Cat — Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961)

Image: Paramount

Image: Paramount

Did I mention I like orange tabbies? Poor no-name slob: He belongs to nobody, and nobody belongs to him. Holly Golightly’s unnamed cat is the ultimate film feline — a symbol of self-reliance and integral to Holly’s character and her inability to connect with anyone (until that famous scene in the rain that rips my heart out every time I see this movie). iAnother cat who is so iconic he has to be on this list.