Transformers Intro Gets A Stop-Motion Animation Treatment


I grew up being obsessed with Ray Harryhausen and stop-motion animation. One summer I spent a month trying to create my own stop-motion version of Empire Strikes Back using my dad's Beta camera and some of my neighbors Kenner action figures. In my mind, it was EPIC. In reality, not so much. 

This stop-motion recreation of the intro for the original Transformers cartoon series from the 80's by YouTuber,  The Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer is the kind of stop-motion magic I was hoping to create that childhood summer. Whether you're a Transformers fan or not it's worth checking out because it's FANTASTIC!  

It took eight full months for Lazy Eyebrow Reviewer and cinematographer Masterpiece ReAnimated to pose and animate these impeccably-detailed toys from Takara Tomy and Hasbro. The results may make you want to buy every one of these figures and try making one yourself.  

Keep going for the video.