10 Captain Kirk Quotes That Will Live Long And Prosper


Everyone can use a little wisdom to keep them motivated now and then. So why not get your inspiration from one of the galaxy’s greatest Starfleet captains — James T Kirk! It’s William Shatner’s 90th birthday today, so we thought it was a good time to take a look back at some of the many words of wisdom his character Kirk delivered in the original Star Trek series and over the course of seven films.

Along with his strategic thinking, decisive action and sense of humor, Kirk often kept his crew alive with his words. From emotional pleas and clever quips, to signature one-liners, Kirk left us all with a lot of cosmic widom — and he was never afraid to acknowledge his own failings. So let’s wish Mr. Shatner a very happy birthday, and take in some of the space philosophy he delivered as Captain Kirk.

Keep going for our list of 10 favorite Kirk quotes.

10. "Sometimes A Feeling Is All We Humans Have To Go On."A Taste of Armageddon


9. "Without freedom of choice there is no creativity. The body dies." The Return of the Archons


8. “How we deal with death is at least as important as how we deal with life.” — Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan


7. Beauty . . . survives. — “Plato’s Stepchildren”


6. Excuse me, I’d just like to ask a question. What does God need with a starship? — Star Trek V: The Final Frontier


5. Genius doesn’t work on an assembly line basis. . . . You can’t simply say, ‘Today I will be brilliant.' — “The Ultimate Computer”


4. Hang on tight and survive. Everybody does. — “Charlie X”


3. You Either Believe In Yourself Or You Don’t. — “Mudd’s Women”


2. The prejudices people feel about each other disappear when they get to know each other. — "Elaan of Troyius”


1. To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before!
